Category: Bible Study

The Ignorance of God

“The Ignorance of God- Part 1”

Of course we know that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not ignorant. He is omniscience, all- knowing. He knows all that is knowable from His sovereignty and absolute authority. The ignorance of God, you repeat in judgmental undertones. Allow me to explain.

The greatest honor that man can afford God is the study, intake and metabolism of doctrine on a daily basis. The word of God, the mind of Christ, is the only vehicle by which spiritual growth can become perpetuated. The first step towards this acquisition of knowledge is the act of confession unto God Himself. Not the, “Please forgive me ole Father,” syndrome that is taught. To ask forgiveness is not in the Protocol plan of God. However, confession is a priority. Scripture itself is self-explanatory. In the dateless past we can visualize the first confession made by man-kind.

Adam, where are you? This our Lord God had called out as the Lord walked in the garden. Did He not know where Adam was or what he had done? Surely an all-knowing God would know. Not if the object of the rebellion was invisible. The object of this rebellion towards the Lord God is Adam and he was invisible to God.

The following is based on the work and study of, my son Jared Benjamin Reeves, the Administrative Pastor of church. His doctrine of “Invisibility” will explain the ignorance of God.

God cannot and will not look on sin or the purveyor of sin. As He will pronounce at the judgment seat, so it will be pronounced in this dispensation. “Sorry, I never knew you, depart from me you worker of iniquity”. Under the active position of sin, a believer or unbeliever is not visible to God. He cannot look upon sin therefore the sinner and the production of sin is out of God’s sight whereby becoming invisible. The only solution to this state of demise is, confession made unto God. It is only in this submission will a person become visible and heard by God. 1 John 1:9 is the vehicle unto confession.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

I do not anywhere within this passage see, “Please forgive me Father,” The only forgive present is Him forgiving us. The sins must be stated unto God before He acknowledges your presence and He sees you as the prodigal son. This is called, “Rebound”. This subject is of such importance that the next two lessons shall be devoted to the study, presentation and application of confession as the pivot for maturity.

This is part one of, ”Confession,” Until next week this is Senior Pastor-Teacher Ben Reeves praying for your continual growth in the Lord. You will wake up one morning and realize that Jesus Christ is the best friend that you can have.